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Carpet vs. Hardwood Floors: Your Helpful Buying Guide

The Flooring Expert Blogger • Jan 29, 2022

If you're deciding between carpet vs. hardwood floors you need this buying guide! Read to which option is best for you or and floorings to consider.

carpet vs hardwood

Are you looking for a way to liven up your house from the old, worn-out floors they currently have? Do you want to switch out the flooring on your new house to make it feel more like your space? If so, then you should start by comparing carpet vs hardwood.

Both of these are incredible options. That said, they have different pros and cons, which is why you should learn all you can before you purchase. That way, you can figure out which rooms to install them in.

See below for an in-depth guide on the pros and cons of these two types of flooring.

Should I Install Carpet Floors?

Some homeowners are of the mindset that they should install only one type of flooring throughout their house. However, as you'll see in this article, different types of flooring have different uses and advantages. 

Take carpet for example. Many people love it because it's relatively inexpensive to install, yet comes in a variety of different styles. The benefits of carpet floors include:

  • Carpet hides the dirt, making your floors appear cleaner until you can vacuum them again
  • The carpet is soft, making it the perfect choice for comfier rooms like bedrooms and lounge areas
  • Carpet absorbs noise, lessening the echoes in and around your house
  • It comes in a variety of styles, making it easier to match your personality and preferred aesthetic.

Of course, there are also some cons to carpeting. First, it requires a fair bit of maintenance to keep up appearances. While it hides dirt well, the wear and tear over the years will add up. 

It also needs to be replaced at certain points. Some areas of the carpet might need to be replaced faster than others. That said, carpet is incredibly durable and will last a long time with proper cleaning techniques.

Should I Install Hardwood Floors?

The value behind hardwood floors is no secret. Ask 10 homeowners what type of flooring their dream home would have, and we're confident most of them would say hardwood.

If you've always dreamt of installing hardwood floors in your home, then now is the perfect time to act! Hardwood flooring has many incredible benefits for homeowners, such as:

  • A higher-end aesthetic that's comfier and more dignified than other materials
  • A timeless design that will make all of your guests' jaws drop
  • Variety of different wood types to achieve your desired price, look, investment, and more
  • Helps with cleaning by withholding from hiding any dust, dirt, or allergens
  • Durable; will last several decades and can be refinished several times

Of course, there are always those that feel that hardwood floors are too good to be true. The only thing you'll have to look out for is its weakness to water. For that reason, you might want to avoid installing it in places like the kitchen or bathroom, since they're prone to high moisture.

Hardwood flooring will look tremendous in your living room, hallways, entryways, dining room, and bedrooms. It looks great in combination with both carpet flooring and tile flooring (for high-moisture rooms).

Why Should You Get New Flooring Installed?

Perhaps you're wanting to renovate your home and trying to choose between carpet and hardwood floors. Maybe you're curious if you should get new flooring installed at all. If so, then here are some prime reasons that you should.


Both carpet cost and hardwood cost offer homeowners an incredible value. They're both exceptionally durable, meaning you'll get a higher return on your investment.

Not to mention the value that they will add to your property. As we mentioned, hardwood floors can be refinished several times, meaning they can be in prime condition when you go to sell your home.

Whether it's the crisp aesthetic of fresh carpet or a comfy, timeless look of hardwood flooring, new floors can make interested buyers prioritize your home above the other properties they've seen.

A Breath of Fresh Air

Some of you have noticed that your home's interior needs a change. You want to switch things up but aren't sure where to start.

Nothing will change the layout of your home more than new flooring. It can help you keep your renovation projects within budget while completely switching out the aesthetic for a new, more comfortable look.

You can also use a combination of new flooring to provide a stark contrast between rooms. For example, nothing's more beautiful than a solid separation between the hardwood floors in your hallway and a new, soft-looking carpet inside your bedroom.

Improves the Air Quality

Whether you realize it or not, your current floors might be complicating the air quality inside your home. The humidity that's trapped in your carpet might make your air unhealthy to breathe in. 

Not to mention that a floor that's been neglected for too long can trap harmful chemicals, dust, dirt, and allergens inside. As those airborne pathogens rise into the air, your family and pets are taking those chemicals into their respiratory system.

A new floor installation can help you regain control of your air quality. Carpet and hardwood can make it easier to stay on top of from this point on!

Carpet vs Hardwood: Invest in the Right One for Your Home

Now that you have seen an in-depth guide on carpet vs hardwood and everything that it entails, be sure to use this information to your advantage.

Take the time to read this article for more information on how a flooring remodel can increase your home's resale value. For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out to Eagle Flooring West at 480-967-2700 and we will be happy to assist you further.

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